Custom Keybinds
Dual Wield Parrying
Dual Wield Parrying: Right Shift
Dynamic Activation Key
Activation: Shift+E (also includes Simply Knock)
Easy Wheel
- Show: M5 (Or whatever hotkey you like)
- Next: Arrow Right Key (Or whatever hotkey you like)
- Previous: Arrow Left Key (Or whatever hotkey you like)
- Toggle ENB Off and On: Shift+F12
ENB Helper
- ENB Helper Menu: Shift+Enter
Immersive Equipment Display
- Toggle Menu: Shift + Backspace
Immersive Hud
- Toggle Map: x
Open Animation Replacer
- In-game Menu: Shift+O
Predator Vision
- Nightvision activation key: V
- Predator vision activation key: H
Simplest Horses
- Mount control Key: G
Favorite Groups:
- Group 5: F5
- Group 6: F6
- Group 7: F7
- Group 8: F8
Swiftly Order Squad
- Toggle Menu: ' (apostrophe key)
BSA Extracted
This table shows all the mods download containing a BSA that needs to be extracted.
This table shows all the mods downloaded from Skyrim: LE and contain BSA that need to be extracted. Failure to extract these BSAs will result in CTD on startup.
Cathedral Assets Optimizer
This table shows all the mods that need running through CAO.
This table shows all the mods that were download from LE Skyrim and need running through the Creation Kit.
SKSE Plugins
This table shows all the mods the have a SKSE Plugin.
xEdit - Quick Auto Clean
This table shows all the mods that require clean via xEdit Quick Auto Clean
INI Tweaks
This shows all various ini tweaks:
[Display] fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost=5.0000 fSAOBias=0.5000 fSAOExpFactor=0.220 fSAOIntensity=12.0000 fSAORadius=850.0000 [SaveGame] bDisableAutoSave=1 bAllowScriptedForceSave=0 bAllowScriptedAutosave=0
[Display] bEnableImprovedSnow=0 fGamma=1.0000 bFXAAEnabled=0 bUseTAA=0 bIBLFEnable=0 bIndEnable=0 bSAO_CS_Enable=0 bSAOEnable=0 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowsOnGrass=1 iMaxDecalsPerFrame=350 [Main] bSaveOnPause=0 bSaveOnRest=0 bSaveOnTravel=0 bSaveOnWait=0
[UI] uToggleUIKey = 210 (this will change the hotkey to open the menu to Insert) uToggleUIKeyShift = 0
[Experimental] bSpeedUpNativeCalls = true
SSE Display Tweaks
[Render] EnableVSync=true UIFramerateLimitMap=60