Enemy and Encounter Overhauls

Hand-Placed Enemies


Adds 1542 Hand-placed Enemies to Skyrims dungeons and POIs (both interior and exterior zones). Emphasis was placed on strategic and immersive locations. (Archers on high ground, melee by doors). Care was given to a variety of battle sizes and enemy encounters. Small rooms have a smaller number of spawns, and larger rooms and forts have larger numbers.

Optional FilesHand placed enemies - no ambushesVersion:1.021

Heritage Enemies 2


Successor to the original Heritage: Reflexive Enemies. Adds new NPCs to bandit and vampire levelled lists. Featuring the voice as a skill cultivated by hostile NPCs.

Main FilesHeritage 2Version:1.0Optional FilesHeritage 2 - CACO CompatibilityVersion:1.0Optional FilesHeritage 2 - WACCF CompatibilityVersion:1.0
Special Instructions
  1. Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer, pick the Lexy's LoTD SE - BSA   profile from the drop-down menu, then run the main file mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.
  2. After the CAO run is complete, perform the following:
    1. Rename Heritage_2.bsa to Heritage_02.bsa
    2. Rename Heritage_2 - Textures.bsa to Heritage_02 - Textures.bsa
    3. Delete Heritage_2.esp

Heritage Enemies 2 - Consistency Patch


Consistency Patch for Heritage Enemies 2

Optional FilesHeritage Enemies 2 - Consistency PatchVersion:1.01

Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul


This mod is an overhaul of the game's enemy system.

Main FilesSkyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy OverhaulVersion:2.43

Skyrim Revamped Rebalanced and Releveled


This tweaks most bosses and unique encounters in Skyrim Revamped to scale above but with the player level. Their minimum level will be lower and their maximum level will be higher than vanilla and Revamped default. This patch also fixes a few bugs, issues and inconsistencies in SRCEO.

Main FilesSkyrim Revamped Rebalanced and ReleveledVersion:2.60

SRCEO - Bearded Wimmen Outlawes Bug Be Gone


This mod fixes Bearded Women bug in Skyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy Overhaul.

Main Files SRCEO Bearded Wimmen Outlawes Be Gone

Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim (Bloodmoon Creature Restoration Project)


The Solstheim Draugr are now distinct from those on the mainland, reflecting their eternal cannibalism as described in TES3: Bloodmoon.

Main FilesCannibal Draugr on SolstheimVersion:2.2

Draugr Upgrades and Improvements (Draugr and Skeleton Overhaul)


This mod toughens up vanilla Draugr and Skeletons and adds new varieties of undead enemies to the game.

Main FilesD.U.I. SE v2.4Version:2.4Update FilesUpdate v2.4.2Version:2.4.2
Special InstructionsLaunch Cathedral Assets Optimizer, pick the Lexy's LoTD SE - BSA   profile from the drop-down menu, then run the main file mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.

Cannibal Draugr In Solstheim Updated Patch


This is a quickly updated compatibility patch that allows for using Draugr Updates & Improvements and Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim together. It's an updated version of the patch on the D.U.I. mod.

Main FilesMain PatchVersion:1.6

Skyrim Revamped - Draugr Upgrades and Improvement Patch


Resolves a few conflicts between Skyrim Revamped and Draugr Upgrades and Improvement Patch while blending some shout changes.

Main FilesSkyrim Revamped - Draugr Upgrades and Improvement PatchVersion:2.0

Undead Weapon Damage Resistance


This mod aims to increase the toughness of all undead against nonmagical weapons.

Main FilesUndead Weapon Damage Resistance 50 PercentVersion:1.0Optional FilesGhost Excluded INIVersion:0.0.1

Lore Friendly Ghosts


A simple mod to bring back the lore-friendly ghosts, an idea that was dropped in Skyrim development. Ghosts won't be affected by normal weapons and specific gear will be needed. It will work with every modded creature/enemy/NPC with no incompatibilities.

Main FilesLore Friendly Ghosts

Lexy's LoTD - Lore Friendly Ghosts INI


Custom INI for Lore-Friendly Ghosts.

Miscellaneous FilesLexy's LoTD - Lore Friendly Ghosts INIVersion:1.01

Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition


Skyrim Immersive Creatures adds dozens of new creatures to enhance your gaming experience. This mod adds brand new creatures which fit into the world of Skyrim, alongside variations of existing creatures, adding diversity and improving gameplay.

Main Files1) Skyrim Immersive Creatures v7.0.2 (includes 1K Textures)Version:7.0.2Update FilesFix for Ogre ClubVersion:7.0.2Optional Files2a) 2K Texture PackVersion:7.0.2

Skyrim Immersive Creatures SIC - Draugr Armors - My fixes SE


Fixes 21 meshes related to new Draugr Armors added by SIC.

Main FilesSIC - Draugr Armors - My fixes SE by XtudoVersion:1

Falmer Overhaul - My patches SE


My patches for the amazing Falmer Overhaul mod. Starting with the Skyrim Immersive Creatures and Less Prude Falmer Warmonger patches for now, more are coming.

Main FilesFalmer Overhaul - My patches SE by Xtudo - LOTD patchVersion:1.3Main FilesFalmer Overhaul - SE by Xtudo - SIC 2KVersion:1.4

SIC SE - Add-Ons and Patches


A collection of small add-ons and patches for Skyrim Immersive Creatures.

Main FilesCathedral - Armory IntegrationVersion:3.16Main FilesComplete Crafting Overhaul PatchVersion:2.2Main FilesCreation Club Saints and Seducer IntegrationVersion:7Main FilesDraugr Upgrades and Improvements (latest)Version:2.4.2Main FilesENB Particle LightVersion:7Main FilesEven Better Quest ObjectivesVersion:1.8.4Main FilesExperienceVersion:1.2.0Main FilesImmersive Sound Integration (fixed)Version:3.0Main FilesSkyrim Revamped - Complete Enemy OverhaulVersion:2.3

SIC Nimhe Remiel Patch

This patch changes the Giant spider you have to kill during the excavating Nchuand-Zel quest for Calcelmo from a generic one to a named NPC. Also, forwards entries from Remiel.
Miscellaneous FilesSIC Nimhe Remiel PatchVersion:1.0

Animal Overhauls

SkyTEST 2022 Redux - Realistic Animal and Predators


Improved models and high-resolution textures plus ESL-flagged plugin. Advanced AI and Realistic Behavior for Animals and Creatures.

Main FilesSkyTEST Redux 2K - Realistic Animals and PredatorsVersion:1.1

SkyTEST 2022 Redux - Patches


This Mod provide various Patches for SkyTEST 2022 Redux - Realistic Animal and Predators.

Optional FilesPatches - FOMOD InstallerVersion:1.0

SkyTEST Redux Patches - The Whatever I've Got Lying Around Version


Various patches for SkyTEST Redux.

Main FilesSkyTEST Redux Patches - FOMODVersion:2.5.4

SkyTEST Redux - Various Patches


Some small patches, mainly dealing with invisible Mudcrabs that happen in some Mods when they're installed together with SkyTEST Redux.

Main FilesSkyTEST Redux - Various PatchesVersion:2.0

Lexy's LOTD - SkyTEST Redux Patches


Various Patches for SkyTEST Redux.

Optional FilesLexy's LOTD - SkyTEST Redux PatchesVersion:1.0

True Hunter - fewer animals per square meter


This mod reduces the number of leveled animals with customizable spawn chances. No more predators at every turn.

Main FilesTrue HunterVersion:5.1

No Potions for Bandit Animals - SkyTEST Redux


EEOS distributes potions based on assigned factions. Some wolves, dogs, and horses are part of the bandit faction, and it seems dumb for them to have potions in their inventory. This fixes that.

Main FilesNo Potions for Bandit Animals - SkyTEST ReduxVersion:1.0

Unique Barbas Retexture


Gives an unique appearance to Barbas with black-grey hair and glowing eyes fitting his not-actually-a-dog-per-se nature.

Main FilesUnique Barbas_SSE_1.0Version:1.0

Lexy LOTD Animals Merged Consistency Patch


This mod is a compatibility Patch for the Animal Merge.

Optional FilesLexy LOTD Animals Merged Consistency PatchVersion:1.14

Dragon Overhauls

Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse)


This mod strives to create a dragon mod like no other seen before, drawing resources from 11 different mod authors and utilizing MCM scripts to create unmatched flexibility.

Main FilesDiverse Dragons Collection SE

Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCS) Soul Absorb Animation Fixed


Diverse Dragons Collection SE amazing dragons have a small problem when killing some of them, the skin does not dissolve when we absorb their soul. This mod fixes that.

Main FilesDiverse Dragons Collection SE Soul Absorb Animaiton FixedVersion:1.0

Deadly Dragons


This mod attempts to make dragon combat more difficult and realistic.

Main FilesDeadly Dragons SEVersion:6.6.1Main FilesDeadly Dragons SE PatchesVersion:6.5.6

Splendor - Dragon Variants SE


This mod recombines all dragon models and textures included in the vanilla game and DLCs to make 56 unique model-texture combos.

Main FilesSplendor - Dragon Variants

Horse Overhauls

Simplest Horses (and other mounts)


Very simple mount management mod. It uses one hotkey to do the following:

  • Access mount's inventory,
  • Make your mount Follow you or Wait,
  • Teleport your mount closer to you,
  • Rename your mount.
Main FilesSimplest Horses - Main File

Assorted Mods and Patches


This page is a collection of several mods that (IMO) are not feature-rich enough (yet) to have a separate page.

Main FilesSimple Horse TweaksVersion:1.3

zzjay's Horse Overhaul


Simple horse overhaul that includes:

  • New horse saddles.
  • Improved horse mane.
  • Unique frost Texture and saddle.
Main Files00 - Skyrim Horse Overhaul SE - by zzjay

Realistic Horse Breeds by Kritta Kitty


New 'realistic' 2k textures for Vanilla horse mesh.

Main FilesRealistic Horse Breeds by Kritta KittyVersion:2.5Optional FilesTrue White Frost with Blue Eyes OptionVersion:2.5

Archet's Dark Brotherhood - Improved Shadowmere


Improves Shadowmere from the Dark Brotherhood. New improved eyes, all-black skin and custom saddle.

Main FilesArchet's Dark Brotherhood Pack - Improved Shadowmere - Red Saddle.zipVersion:1.0

The Elder Scrolls V Rewritten - Arvak SE


This mod makes Bethesda's plastic skeletal horse look real.

Main FilesDawnguard Rewritten Arvak 1.1.1

SC Horses - Mane Fix and CC Wild Horses Patch


Just a little mesh replacer that makes the vanilla horse manes invisible.

Main FilesSC Horses Mane Fix

NPCs and Behaviour



This mod adds more diversity to the different factions within Skyirm


Immersive Patrols SE AE


Adds fully functional, scheduled patrols of almost every major faction across all DLCs, including Stormcloaks, Thalmor, Imperials, Dawnguard, Travelers, Merchants, Bandits, Skaal, Redoran, Reavers and Rieklings without cluttering the world. Also includes Warzones like battles with fort capture behavior.

Main FilesImmersive Patrols (Main)Version:3.0b

Have Some Class


This Mod changes some wrong class types added to imperial and Stormcloaks by Immersive Patrols.

Miscellaneous FilesHave Some ClassVersion:1.01

Dialogue and NPC Interaction

Bandit Lines Expansion


Tired of hearing the same bandit lines over and over again? This mod provides 500 new spliced lines to bandits, giving each bandit prototype their own personality and making each of your encounters with them more unique, personal and unexpected.

Main FilesBandit Lines ExpansionVersion:1.09Optional FilesDark Elf Voices For BanditsVersion:1.04

Companions Dialogue Bundle


This adds around 120 new (fully voiced) dialogue lines to the Companions. It comes with new dialogue options, new misc dialogue & new scenes, as well as some enhancements to more under-utilized characters. I've focused on keeping it as close to vanilla as possible and not straying too far from the personalities given.

Main FilesCompanions Dialogue BundleVersion:1.2Update FilesCompanions Dialogue Bundle - Dialogue FixVersion:1.2.1

Guard Dialogue Overhaul Redux


More dialogue, more realism, more respect. This mod alters the Guard Dialogue, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. All in the original voices and fully compliant with Skyrim lore.

Main FilesGuard Dialogue Overhaul (Form 44)

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE

    MO2 Removal Tool

This mod adds over 5,000 lines of completely voiced dialogue for NPCs to use, spanning more than 50 voice types, based on the relationship the NPC has with the player that works with the existing dialogue from the game. All lines are voiced using the original voices from the game and consist of existing lines that have been added in new and suitable situations, as well as completely new dialogue created by editing multiple lines together to form brand new ones.

Main FilesRelationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO FinalOptional FilesRDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp