Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub Collection
Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches Collection
Ancient Dwemer Metal My Patches - Collection
This mod will patch some dwemer textures to fit the color palette of the Ancient Dwemer Metal mod. Includes Dawnguard, Dragonborn, SMIM and vanilla.
FOMOD Instructions - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - Immersive Armors
FOMOD Instructions - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - Security Overhaul SKSE - Lock Variations
FOMOD Instructions - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - Security Overhaul SKSE - Regional Locks
FOMOD Instructions - Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - The Forgotten City
- For Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches - GDOS Splendid Mechanized Dwemer Door Pick 4K option from within the archive.
- Textures\creationclub\afdsse001
- Textures\creationclub\asvsse001
- Textures\creationclub\bgssse008
- Textures\creationclub\bgssse010
- Textures\creationclub\bgssse061
- Textures\creationclub\bgssse062
- Textures\creationclub\twbsse001
Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch Emporium
Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch - USMP - Patch Emporium
I made a number of patches for USMP and some other mods and decided that USMP patches really need their own page. I will be creating more patches for USMP as time goes by; however, due to the sheer number of NPC overhauls, they don't have a high priority. And they will overwrite without issue.
FOMOD Instructions - Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch - USMP - Patch Emporium
Exterior and Interior Patch Collection
Drengin's Solitude Patch Collection
A collection of compatibility patches for Drengin's Solitude mods: Fortified Ramp to the Castle Dour and Solitude Watchtower.
FOMOD Instructions - Drengin's Solitude Patch Collection
- Problem: Mod Organizer 2 will display the missing master flag for Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp.
- Solution: We need to use Wrye Bash to change the Master of Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp to Lux Orbis - Blue Palace Terrace Renewed patch.esp
- Launch Wrye Bash through Mod Organizer 2.
- Locate Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp (It should have a red check box).
- In the Masters section, Right-click and select Allow Editing.
- Right-click on Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp (It should have a red check box). And select Change to in the popup menu.
- In the popup box, locate Lux Orbis - Blue Palace Terrace Renewed patch.esp
- Click Open.
- Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp should now turn Bold to indicate the plugin has been edited.
- Click Save. Blue Palace Terrace - LOTD + Lux Orbis patch.esp check box should be green.
- You can now Exit Wrye Bash.
- Delete Bashed Patch, 0.esp located in Overwrite.
GG's Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection
Collection of patches for GG's Thieves Guild Headquarters.
FOMOD Instructions - GG's Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection
JK's Interiors Patch Collection
A collection of small patches/tweaks to help various mods play well with JK's Interiors series
FOMOD Instructions - JK's Interior Patch Collection
JKs Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection
A collection of small patches/tweaks to help various mods play well with JK's Guild HQ Interiors series.
FOMOD Instructions - JKs Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection
JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection
A collection of compatibility patches for JK's Solitude Outskirts. All patches are ESPs flagged as ESL.
FOMOD Instructions - JK's Solitude Outskirts Patch Collection
JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection
A collection of compatibility patches for JK's Windhelm Outskirts
FOMOD Instructions - JK's Windhelm Outskirts Patch Collection
RedBag's Falkreath - Half-Moon Mill Addon - Patches
Various patches for RedBag's Falkreath - Half-Moon Mill Addon
FOMOD Instructions - RedBag's Falkreath - Half-Moon Mill Addon - Patches
Ryn's Standing Stones Patch Collection
A collection of patches allowing Ryn's Standing Stones to work alongside various other mods.
FOMOD Instructions - Ryn's Standing Stones Patch Collection
Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection
A collection of patches for Snazzy Interiors.
FOMOD Instructions - Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection
The Great Town of Ivarstead Patch Collection
A collection of compatibility patches for The Great Town of Ivarstead
FOMOD Instructions - The Great Town of Ivarstead Patch Collection
The Great Town of Shor's Stone Patch Collection
A collection of compatibility patches for The Great Town of Shor's Stone.
FOMOD Instructions - The Great Town of Shor's Stone Patch Collection
Legacy of The Dragonborn Patch Collection
Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official)
This mod provides various patches for Legacy of The Dragonborn
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official)
- meshes\dbm resources\museumsign.nif
- meshes\dbm resources\dbmloadscreenart\loadscreengallerysign.nif
- meshes\dlc02
- DBM_IA_Patch.esp
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub
This is the central hub for Legacy of the Dragonborn support patches for Creation Club content.
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Fixes and Tweaks
Several fixes for general positioning, lighting, mesh and texture enhancement, and some performance improvement for the Legacy of the Dragonborn museum and safehouse.
LOTD Dragonmail Cuirass Enhanced
Retexture for Legacy of the Dragonborn's Dragonmail Cuirass.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Interesting NPCs Patch
At long last, two of the most expansive and beloved mods in the game coming together in one glorious museum display room! This patch adds over 90 unique displays from Interesting NPCs to the Hall of Oddities in the Legacy of the Dragonborn museum.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch
You love your special followers as much as your Safehouse? This mod adds new custom follower room designs, new unique item models and textures, and more museum displays to help your important followers feel at home in the Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse Follower Room!
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Follower Room Patches
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Ryn's Snazzy Last Vigil - Ebony Warrior Overhaul Patch
Adds a Legacy of the Dragonborn museum display for Ryn's Snazzy Last Vigil - Ebony Warrior Overhaul.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Player Homes Displays
Adding player homes displays (Breezehome, Lakeview Manor, etc) to Legacy of the Dragonborn museum!
Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion
The all in one Legacy of the Dragonborn companion! features Relic Notifications, Quest Tracker and a bunch of new features to suit any playstyle.
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - The Curators Companion
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Additional Display Patches (Unofficial)
A collection of my third-party patches for Legacy of the Dragonborn V6+
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Additional Display Patches
Owl Patch Collection
Ghastly's Open World Loot Creation Club Patches
The pretty much the official patch hub for Creation Club and OWL.
OWL - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patch
Compatibility patch between CACO and OWL.
FOMOD Instructions - OWL - Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Patch
OWL - Faction Crossbows Patch
Compatibility patch between Fraction Crossbows and OWL.
Ghastly's Open World Loot Equipment Patches
Open World Loot patches for a variety of mods.
Open World Loot - aMidianBorn Content Addon Patch
Patches the new Weapons and Armors from aMidianBorn Content Addon with OWL's Leveled Lists changes.
Open World Loot - Heritage Enemies 2 Patch
Patches Heritage 2 for Open World Loot.
OWL Patchorama
Patches for various mods to include distribution of the added weapons and armour via Open World' Loot's Gear Framework.
FOMOD Instructions - OWL Patchorama
Miscellaneous Compatibility Patches
Cathedral Armory - Misc Patches
A few misc patches for Cathedral Armoury
FOMOD Instructions - Cathedral Armory - Misc Patches
- meshes\Armor\Draugr
Canissa's little patch emporium
Just a random assortment of little patches I made to resolve conflicts or make things more consistent.
Improved Closefaced Helmets - Fixes
Fixes for Improved Closefaced Helmets.
FOMOD Instructions - Improved Closefaced Helmets - Fixes
Keyword Patch Collection
My collection of patches, fixes, and tweaks for keyword-related stuff. Utilizes Keyword Item Distributer and Object Categorization Framework where possible.
FOMOD Instructions - Keyword Patch Collection
Misc. College of Winterhold Tweaks
This is a collection of tweaks, additions, fixes, and adjustments to College of Winterhold, offered "à la carte" in the esp-fe format.
FOMOD Instructions - Misc. College of Winterhold Tweaks
A FOMOD collection of some Navigator patches
FOMOD Instructions - Navigator Patch Collection
Thaumaturgy - Heavy Armory Patch
Comprehensive Compatibility Patch between Thaumaturgy and Heavy Armory.
Janquel's Arguably Needed Quixotically Unifying ESP Library
A place to stick my patches which I don't have enough for a given mod to warrant a separate page, or I have not explicitly heard back from a parent mod author
FOMOD Instructions - Janquel's Arguably Needed Quixotically Unifying ESP Library
QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium
QUASIPC (pronounced QUASI-P-C) is a massive compatibility patch compendium, all packaged in a single installer which will automatically detect what patches you need, and doesn't even allow you to add patches for which you don't have the required masters. About as user-friendly and foolproof as an installer can get.
FOMOD Instructions - QUASIPC - Unified Patch Compendium v2.5.0
Follower Compatibility Patches
Immersive Hold Borders - Improved Follower Dialogue Lydia Patch
Moves a wall from Immersive Hold Borders that clips with a Farmhouse added by Improved Follower Dialogue Lydia.
Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub
A central hub for any compatibility patches available for Serana Dialogue Add-On.
FOMOD Instructions - Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub
Sofia - At Your Own Pace Patch
Sofia is a popular follower mod. At Your Own Pace changes the main quest so that you are not automatically sent by Balgruff and Farengar to get the Dragonstone. This patch provides some compatibility between the two mods so Sofia doesn't say certain dialogue before you are sent to Bleak Falls Barrow.
FormList Manipulator Patches
FormList Patch Collection
collection of patches, fixes, and tweaks for FormList related stuff. Utilizes FormList Manipulator and Object Categorization Framework where possible.
FOMOD Instructions - FormList Patch Collection
Immersive Interactions -Missives - Worldspace Additions FLM
This ini FLM file add the missives board idle from Immersive interactions to new worlds based on Missives - Worldspace Additions.
Legacy of the Dragonborn - Craftloot Sort and Storage FormList Patches (FLM)
Adds items from mods to the craftloot, sorting, stash spell and storage system right off the bat. Includes patches for cooked food, firewood, gems, ingots, ingredients, leather, liquors, materials, ores, poisons, potions, raw food, recipes, scrolls, soul gems and treasure.
FOMOD Instructions - Legacy of the Dragonborn - Craftloot Sort and Storage FormList Patches (FLM)
Mine Ore FormList Patches for Mod Pickaxes - FormList Manipulator (FLM)
Did you ever find a cool new pickaxe from a mod that no matter what, it simply doesn't work? Do you want to mine stalhrim with another pickaxe? Well, now you can! This mod includes FLM patches for vanilla and modded pickaxes.
FOMOD Instructions - Mine Ore FormList Patches for Mod Pickaxes (FLM)
More Plantable Plants for Creation Club
Additional plants to plant from Creation Club Content ingredients: Bittercup, Goblins, Rare Curios, Saints and Seducers, The Cause using FormList Manipulator - without scripts or conflicts with other mods. ESPFE.
FOMOD Instructions - More Plantable Plants for Creation Club
Non-Native Bugs for Legacy of the Dragonborn Gardens (FLM)
The Dragonborn Museum's garden can now be inhabited by bugs from Bruma, CACO, Lepidoptera, Lepidopteran Invasion, More Colorful Critters,, Saints & Seducers and Wyrmstooth. This mod uses FormList Manipulator only and will be updated with more bugs from other mods.
FOMOD Instructions - Non-Native Bugs for Legacy of the Dragonborn Gardens (FLM)
Woodchopping FormList Patches for Mod Woodcutting Axes - FormList Manipulator (FLM)
Did you get a cool woodcutting axe from a mod but it doesn't work? Let's patch that! This mod includes FLM patches for modded woodcutting axes.
FOMOD Instructions - Woodchopping FormList Patches for Mod Woodcutting Axes - FormList Manipulator (FLM)
Your Own Thoughts
YOT - Your Own Thoughts SE
This mod basically changes most (if not all) of the second-person messages and texts in game and makes them 1st person.
FOMOD Instructions - YOT - Your Own Thoughts SE
Your Own Thoughts - Patch Hub
A collection of patches for "Your Own Thoughts" to add consistency to your load order.
FOMOD Instructions - Your Own Thoughts - Patch Hub
Dear Diary Dark Mode
A new conversion of Easy WheelMenu with extra features. Single multi taps hotkey operations. Coloured wheel menus. Named layouts. Import/Export of menu layouts. Selective spells removal—native support of popular mods. Load Order friendly (ESPFE).
FOMOD Instructions - Easy WheelMenu II SSE
Replacer for Skyrim interface in a dark fantasy style with some QoL improvements.
FOMOD Instructions - Dear Diary Dark Mode (texts - warm color)
- interface\tweenmenu.swf
Lexy's LOTD - Dear Diary Dark Mode Config File
This mod is a custom config file for Dear Diary Dark Mode.
Dear Diary DM and Paper Difficulty Persistence Fixes
Fixes some squishing in Dear Diary Paper and Dark Mode caused by the recent game update.
Notification Log SSE NG
Conversion of Notification Log SSE to CLib-NG to create one .dll file that works in all Skyrim SE versions, including AE 1.6.629+. Caches notification messages, so you can look at them later.
PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
SKSE plugin that allows you to save any amount of int, float, form and string values on any form or globally from papyrus scripts. Also supports lists of those data types. These values can be accessed from any mod allowing easy dynamic compatibility.
JContainers SE
This extends Skyrim SE Papyrus scripts (or SKSE/C++ plugins) with JSON based serializable data structures like arrays and maps. Embedded Lua interpreter.
Shovels Bury Bodies
Use shovel to clean up bodies. Access buried bodies via MCM.
Enemy (R)Evolution of Skyrim - EEOS
Enemies will use Spells/Perks/Items/Shouts which were previously limited to the player only. Adds support for dozens of Mods. Lore-friendly implementation, highly customizable. No Scripts and no Plugin ;)
FOMOD Instructions - EEOS - Enemy Revolution of Skyrim
- open ApocalypseSpellsForNPCs_DISTR.ini
- locate: Spell = 0x2D5DB - Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp | NONE | 0x13743 , 0x1317a , 0xe3a71 , 0x27242 , 0x46281 , 0x2EB13 , 0x02003376 , 0x020183A5 , 0x020083A2 , 0x1F259 , 0x5091E | 50 | NONE | NONE | 20
- add a semi-colon in front of ;Spell
- locate: Spell = 0x12CB8D - Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp | NONE | 0x13743 , 0xE3A5A , 0xB3292 , 0x1F259 , 0x43597 , 0x5091E , 0xAA0A4 , 0x1317b , 0x1317c , 0x13177 , 0x10f7f9 , 0x13178 , 0x13179 | 50 | NONE | NONE | 20
- Add replace with: Spell = 0x12CB8D - Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp | ActorTypeNPC,-Rumarin | 0x13743 , 0xE3A5A , 0xB3292 , 0x1F259 , 0x43597 , 0x5091E , 0xAA0A4 , 0x1317b , 0x1317c , 0x13177 , 0x10f7f9 , 0x13178 , 0x13179 | 50 | NONE | NONE | 20
- Save and Exit
Consistency Patches
Lexy's LOTD Consistency Patches
This mod adds consistency patches for various mods used throughout this guide.
LOTD Shipping Crates - Consistency Patch
This mod is a consistency Patch for the various LOTD Shipping crates and LOTD v6.
Weapons and Armour Merge Consistency Patches
This mod contains all the required consistency patches for the Weapons and Armour Merge.
Twilight Princess Armour - Consistency Patch
This mod is a consistency Patch for the Twilight Princess Armour set.
Miscellaneous Merge Consistency Patch
This mod is a compatibility Patch for the Miscellaneous Merge.
Conflict Resolution
Lexy's LOTD - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for this guide.
Atlas Map Markers - Conflict Resolution
This patch is a Conflict Resolution for Atlas Map Markers.
Dawnstar City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Dawnstar City Overhauls for this guide.
Lux - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for LUX.
Markarth City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution patch for the Markarth City Overhauls.
Minor Town and City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution patch for Minor Town and City Overhauls.
Morthal City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Morthal City Overhauls for this guide.
Riften City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Riften City Overhauls for this guide.
Solitude City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Solitude City Overhauls for this guide.
Solstheim City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution for the various City Overhauls in Solstheim.
Whiterun City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Whiterun City Overhauls for this guide.
Windhelm City Overhauls - Conflict Resolution
This patch is the main Conflict Resolution for the Windhelm City Overhauls for this guide.
No, seriously. Make a backup. To make a backup: navigate to the Mod Organizer folder on your HDD, right-click on the mods and profile folders and click Copy... and then paste Paste... to something like an external Hard Drive if you have one.