Weather Systems
Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS)
SKSE plugin that improves volumetric lighting and shadows by synchronizing them with Skyrim's sun and moon(s)
Ljoss - EVLaS Config
EVLaS Config Tweaked for use with Ljoss.
Cathedral Weathers and Seasons
The Cathedral Concept is a comprehensive visual overhaul for Skyrim. It is performance friendly, consisting mostly of retextures, improved models, and lighting modifications so that you can use it as a foundation without having to worry extensively about compatibility.
Cathedral Weathers and Seasons Unofficial Update
My unofficial patch/update for Cathedral Weathers and Seasons has been updated and relocated from the main page.
Cathedral Weathers MCM
This adds an MCM menu to the Cathedral Weathers mod. The options available in the spell configuration menu are also available in the MCM Menu.
Cathedral Weathers Snow Patch
Some of the cloudy weather in Cathedral Weathers it type snowy.
Picta Series - Improved Sky Meshes
Improves most of the Sky related Meshes, it also fixes a few bugs such as buggy UV Mapping and Horizon Seam.
Sky Reflection Fix
SKSE plugin which fixes the sky in reflections.
Real Rain SE
Real Rain will make you run for cover and get a dovahbrella :D.
FOMOD Instructions - Real Rain
Lucid Rain
Heavy rainfall via replacing the default rain texture.
Obsidian Mountain Fogs
Increases the volumetric mountain clouds providing both depth and mystery to the mountain ranges of Skyrim.
Storm Lightning for SSE and VR (Minty Lightning 2019)
This is a remake of Minty's Lightning mod as an SKSE plugin. The purpose of this mod is stability and scalability. It can summon up to 50 sheet lightnings and 50 fork lightnings per second and up to 31 cells distance. This results in a more natural and enjoyable storm experience.
FOMOD Instructions - Storm Lightning for SSE and VR - Fomod Installer
Splashes of Storms
SKSE plugin that adds splashes and ripples when raining.
FOMOD Instructions - Splashes of Storms
Rainbows Remade
This mod adds rainbows and moonbows to the game.
Rainbows appear if the weather changes from rainy to sunny within an hour between 7:00am and 10:30am or between 1:30pm and 5:00pm, with a default.
Skygazer Moons SSE - Masser and Secunda HD Textures
This mod retextures the moon Masser and Secunda.
This mod retextures the aurora effect seen in the night skies
Skyrim Textures Redone - Stars
Overhauls the stars adds some big stars but most is small stars you can also choose to have only small stars, Glimmers dynamically when moving around.
Post Processing Resources & Essentials
ENB Helper SE Updated
This is a SKSE64 plugin that currently enables weather system in ENB.
ENB Helper Plus
SKSE addon for ENB Helper, which contains additional features, allowing for more granular and accessible controls as well as improved mod compatibility.
ENB Input Disabler
SKSE plugin, which disables mouse and keyboard input for everything except the console when the ENB editor is active.
ENB Light Inventory Fix (ELIF)
SKSE plugin that fixes the messed up zoom and rotation of items with ENB particle lights
Particle Patch
Skyrim has quite a few object meshes that have their shaders or blending properties set incorrectly. As a result, when using ENB many of these objects look buggy or react to an incorrect category in enbseries.ini.
FOMOD Instructions - Particle Patch
- Particle Patch for ENB.esp
Ghost Pile Seam Fix (Skyrim Particle Patch)
Fixes a vanilla texture issue that is exacerbated (by upscaling it) in Skyrim Particle Patch. It can also be used without SPP
NL_MCM - A Modular MCM Framework
NL_MCM is an object-oriented module-based extension of the SkyUI MCM scripts. It primarily functions as a redistributable framework that allows mod authors to separate their MCM pages into individual scripts.
Better FaceLight and conversation Redux - (SPIDified and ENB Light)
What the point to install a bunch of mod to make your NPCs beautiful if you can't see them? Conversation Auto-enlightenment, Use ENB Light (no buggy cell light anymore), support as many follower & NPCs you want.
FOMOD Instructions - Better FaceLight and conversation Redux - (SPIDified and ENB Light)
Core Audio Fixes & Overhauls
Sound Record Distributor
SKSE framework which allows sounds to be distributed at runtime, greatly simplifying audio mods and patches.
Lucidity Sound FX SSE
This mod remasters the vanilla sound effects in Skyrim.
- Remove the LSFX-SSE-Audiosettings.esp if you don't want options to change the volume sounds of each audio categories.
- sound\fx\npc\dragon\deathsequence\npc_dragon_deathsequence_wind.wav
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE
This mod is an extensive sound overhaul aiming to make the soundscape more immersive, clear, responsive, impactful and ultimately fun, while always aiming for maximum compatibility, performance, and coherency with the main game.
FOMOD Instructions - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE
Immersive Sounds - Compendium
A dramatic and extensively customizable overhaul of Skyrim's sound.
FOMOD Instructions - Immersive Sounds - Compendium
(ISC SRDified) Immersive Sounds Compendium - Sound Record Distributor...ded
Distributes sounds from Immersive Sounds - Compendium using Sound Record Distributor, removing the need for some (not all) patches.
Immersive Sounds Compendium - PATCHES
Various Patches for Immersive Sounds Compendium.
Audio Overhaul - Immersive Sounds Integration (AOS - ISC Compatibility Patch)
An intelligently-made integration of the two largest and extensive audio mods available for Skyrim.
Experience all of what both expansive mods have to offer while maintaining full-compatibility between both projects.
General World Improvement
This mod is A 2k texture replacement of Falmer Cave Ceiling Glowing.
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
This mod modifies many 3D models and textures to improve their appearance, fix many ugly seams, and to fix other oddities found in Skyrim.
FOMOD Instructions - Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Static Mesh improvement Mod - SMIM - Quality Addon
Improves many files of the great SMIM Mod, providing visual upgrade.
Shaders of Solstheim - Ash and Moss
Light-weight ash and moss material shaders
Ruins Clutter Improved - Special Edition
This mod improves the various clutter throughout Skyrim's Dungeons.
FOMOD Instructions - Ruins Clutter Improved
- meshes\dungeons\imperial\PortcullisSmall01\impportcullissmall01.nif
Forgotten Retex Project
This mod retextures random clutter that is not covered elsewhere.
FOMOD Instructions - Forgotten Retex Project
High Poly Project
An on-going process to improve the models of the game with more polygons, UV edits or just replace them altogether. SMIM was the inspiration and the lack of similar mods led me to make this.
FOMOD Instructions - High Poly Project
- meshes\clutter\candles\candle*
- meshes\clutter\wine\winebottle02b.nif
- meshes\furniture\cart\cartfurnstatic01.nif
- textures\smim\furniture\smelter\smim_smelter*
Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K
This mod is a texture overhaul of all Skyrim architecture and many other things to match the theme.
Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Noble Furniture
Makes some details on noble furniture nicer. Also fixes some bugs and other improvements.
FOMOD Instructions - Skyrim Objects SMIMed - Noble Furniture
MystiriousDawn's HD Skyrim Overhaul
Beautiful photorealistic textures for many things in Skyrim (148 textures) - Landscape overhaul, Farmhouses, Holds, Mountains, etc...
- textures\landscape\trees\
- textures\landscape\trees\
Northern Shores
Beach, shore and ocean floor textures in 8K. 4 & 2K versions available
Skyland Ships and Shacks
Skyland Ships and Shacks offers Skyland quality textures for, you guessed it, all the boats and ships along with the shacks (since they use the same textures). Made from the same wood textures you'll find in other Skyland mods, Skyland Ships and Shacks will take your ships from a sinking blob of textures to a beautiful floating fortress.
Skyrim 3D High Hrothgar Steps
This mod enhances the models and textures for the steps leading to High Hrothgar.
Skyrim 3D Windmill
A lightweight replacer model for the Skyrim Windmills and all its components.
Lighting Improvements and Mesh Fixes
Remove Ugly Torch Glow Special Edition
This mod Removes static torch glow seen on, well, torches.
ENB Light
Light on grass at night! Unlimited shadowed light sources! Transform your Skyrim experience completely with ENB particle lights
FOMOD Instructions - ENB Light
- You will receive a warning about Missing folders or file this is fine just hit Install Anyway.
Creation Club Asset Patch
Fixes several issues with the assets from Creation Club content.
FOMOD Instructions - Creation Club Asset Patch
DynDOLOD Modders Resource Fixes
Adds various missing normal maps used by trees from Modders Resources. TexGen throws errors for models using a normal map, which it can not find. This adds those missing normals to let DynDOLOD do its magic.
Unofficial Material Fix
This mod aims to fix countless Material bugs in the vanilla game.
Assorted Mesh Fixes
This mod to fix various issues with vanilla Skyrim meshes that causes them to render incorrectly.
Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes
This mod corrects mesh and material errors not covered by any other mods.
Markarth - A Reflective Experience
This mod aims to fix some strange discrepancies in the vanilla Markarth building meshes. Namely, it adds environment mapping ("reflectiveness") to all exterior Dwemer buildings in the Markarth region, to better match the interior meshes.
Solstheim Objects SMIMed - High Poly Dark Elf Furniture
A SMIM-style improvement for Dark Elf furniture models.
FOMOD Instructions - Solstheim Objects SMIMed - High Poly Dark Elf Furniture
No Grass In Objects
Stops grass from growing out of rocks, floorboards, bedrolls, crates, roads and other objects. Also allows drawing grass outside of loaded cells.
Veydosebrom Regions - A Skyrim Grass Overhaul
Fills the landscape of Skyrim with beautiful combinations of grasses for a lush and vivid experience.
FOMOD Instructions - Veydosebrom Regions - A Skyrim Grass Overhaul
FOMOD Instructions - Veydosebrom Regions - A Skyrim Grass Overhaul - Fall Forest - Regional Vegetation Pack
No Grassias - A Universal Grass Fix For Grass Mods
This is a grass fix for overgrown grass and grass clipping issues caused by grass mods adding grass to land textures that aren't supposed to have grass.
Grass Fixes for Creation Club Mods
A mod designed to ensure compatibility between various creation club content and grass mods in order to avoid having your new locations overrun with wild vegetation.
FOMOD Instructions - Grass Fixes for Creation Club Mods
Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
This mod changes the landscape by reducing grass clipping through objects and restoring lost details.
FOMOD Instructions - Patches for Arthmoor's Town add-ons
FOMOD Instructions - Patches for Expanded Towns and Cities
FOMOD Instructions - Patches for The Great Cities and Towns
Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Falskaar
This Falskaar mod reduces misplaced grass, grass object clipping, restores or partially restores the visibility of most trails in Falskaar and changes most farm areas to use the dirt01 texture where possible.
Roads and Bridges
Blended Roads
This improves the roads throughout Skyrim.
FOMOD Instructions - Blended Roads
Blended Roads Redone SE
This improves the road textures added by Blended Roads.
Landscape and Environment
Pilgrims Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures
How sad it must be for the poor pilgrims to the shrines on the Throat of the World to have to spend all that time squinting at muddy, illegible textures on those plaques. Well, praise be Talos because the Imperial Heritage Society has just commissioned a renovation of the plaques, now in freshly-carved runes!
Rally's Solstheim Landscapes
This mod is a texture replacer for Solstheim Landscapes.
Rally's Raven Rock
This mod is a texture overhaul for Raven Rock in Solstheim.
FOMOD Instructions - Rally's Raven Rock
Rally's Riekling Outposts
This mod is a texture replacer for Riekling Outposts, including tents, stands, clutter and the Riekling Spears
Septentrional Landscapes SE
Landscape textures made with 3D Scans. 8, 4 & 2K versions available.
Northfire's Skidmarks SE 2K-4K
Texture replacer for the skidmark or big ditch that dragons make when they sometimes crash land.
Skyrim Remastered - Azura and Blackreach Crystals
Aims to enhance the quality of the area inside Azura's Star and the crystals scattered throughout Blackreach.
SD's Farmhouse Fences SE
Tired of those badly aliased fences that you find in farms and towns? Well this mod will fix that! Fences of Skyrim replaces those ugly vanilla fences with new ones that will not flicker from a distance!
Lightened Skyrim - Base Object Swapper edition
Gain FPS across Skyrim with no visual difference! This is the version for Base Object Swapper.
Majestic Mountains
This mod improves the textures of mountains.
FOMOD Instructions - Majestic Mountains Darkside
FOMOD Instructions - Majestic Mountains - Darkside - DynDOLOD
- Problem: MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm Can be flagged as ESL but SSEdit - SetESL doesn't auto flag.
- Solution: Load Only MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm Navigate to Record Flags and check esl.
Skyrim - A Mountainous Experience
Improves and fixes many of the issues found in the mountain meshes around Skyrim.
This mod should be used alongside Majestic Mountains.
Majestic Mountains - Northside
A retexture of Majestic Mountains combining several textures from different Majestic Mountains versions and Northfire's Photoreal Mountains to achieve convincing landscape blending, minimal tiling, and interesting definition up close. Now includes the original dark textures in the FOMOD.
FOMOD Instructions - Majestic Mountains - Northside
Majestic Mountains - More Accurate Collision
Changes the collisions for mountain meshes used in Majestic Mountains to one that matches each mountain mesh exactly. No more floating when walking across certain parts of mountains or arrows bouncing back despite not visibly hitting rock. The meshes included in this mod are double-sided and should prevent shadows going through the mountains.
Glaciers, Ice, Snow and Ash
Cathedral Snow (SSE or VR)
Retextures snow, ice, and glaciers while reducing tiling through advanced mip-map fading techniques.
- Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp
ProjectedDiffuse Patch Hub
A set of landscape/snow patches for modders adopting the projectdiffuse (e.g. Better Dynamic Snow or Simplicity of Snow). Each patch ensures are matching for the relevant landscape.
Simplicity of Snow
A light-weight snow mod designed to minimize conflicts. Uses your own snow texture and removes snow from under roofs.
FOMOD Instructions - Simplicity of Snow
- meshes\landscape\bridges
Blended Roads - Simplicity of Snow Patch
A Simplicity of Snow patch for Blended Roads to properly cover them with snow.
Majestic Mountains - Simplicity of Snow Patch
Changes the static objects in MajesticMountains.esp to use Simplicity of Snow's snow shaders for consistency.
Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim Fixes (BOS)
A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on forgotten vanilla objects with Base Object Swapper support.
Simple Snow Improvements - Snow Forts (BOS)
A simple addon to improve the snow visuals on forgotten forts all over Skyrim with Base Object Swapper support.
Simple Snow Improvements - Solstheim Ruins (BOS)
A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on forgotten Solstheim objects with "Base Object Swapper" support.
Simple Snow Improvements - Giant Obelisk Fixes (BOS)
A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on ugly vanilla giant obelisks with Base Object Swapper support.
Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice
This mod improves the meshes and textures for most of the glaciers and ice used throughout Skyrim, including the DLCs.
Trees and Flora
Alpine Forest of Whiterun Valley
Adds trees to the valley west of Whiterun. Designed for performance. Compatible with an extensive number of mods. Based on The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold.
YAWTO - Yet Another Whiterun Tree Overhaul
YAWTO adds around 150 trees to Whiterun.
Enhanced Landscapes
Enhanced Landscapes is a project which aims to improve Skyrim's landscape.
FOMOD Instructions - Main File v1.65
- Enhanced Landscapes.esp
- Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp
- meshes\mushroom
- meshes\road
- meshes\volcanic
- meshes\waterplants
- textures\plants
- textures\sheogorad
- textures\volcanic
- textures\vvardenfell
Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh Replacer Plugin
This mod is a replacer plugin for Enhanced Landscape - Dead Marsh. It removes everything except the large mushrooms.
Bent Pines II
Bent Pines places some very large bent pines on the tundra to make it look somewhat more interesting and epic.
Enhanced Landscapes - Oaks Standalone SSE - Marsh Pines - Dilon Vul
This mod adds Oaks trees to the area around Solitude.
- Meshes\DynDOLOD
Happy Little Trees
A nice little tree mod with skinned trees and a low performance cost.
FOMOD Instructions - Happy Little Trees
Happy Little Trees Add-On - DynDOLOD 3
Official DynDOLOD 3D hybrid LOD models for "Happy Little Trees". Built using the latest DynDOLOD 3 tools and uploaded with approval from T4gtr34um3r to provide LOD to augment his mod while he continues development.
Skyland Happy Little Trees Bark
New tree bark textures for Happy Little Trees, along with firewood and chopping blocks.
Myrkvior - The Flora Of Skyrim - Trees SSE
A new tree mod that includes grass, terrain and other options to create your ideal tree setup.
Improved Myrkvior Juniper Trees with Seasons
Improved Juniper trees from Myrkvior - The Flora Of Skyrim - Trees SSE. Hybrid 3d lods for Dyndolod 3 included—normal and Seasonal versions.
Mari's flora
HD plants pack
FOMOD Instructions - Mari's flora
- textures\plants\
- textures\plants\
- textures\plants\
- textures\plants\
Sufficiently Optimized Snowberries 3D
A berry nice mesh and texture replacer for snowberries
FOMOD Instructions - Snowberries
Rally's Blackreach Mushrooms
Replaces the texture of the small and big mushrooms in Blackreach, also retextures the glowing mushrooms.
Rally's Solstheim Plants (High Poly)
This mod is a texture replacer for 6 different plants in Solstheim. It covers Mushroom Trees, Ashyam, Creep Cluster, Trama Root, Scathecraw and Hanging Moss
FOMOD Instructions - Rally's Solstheim Plants
Rally's Hanging Moss
Replaces hanging moss with new vine and moss textures.
Immersive Fallen Trees SSE
Immersive Fallen Trees is a mod that adds more fallen trees all over Skyrim for a beautiful amd immersive experience. You'll find them most commonly on rivers, or in canyons.
Architecture & Settlements
illustrious Whiterun SE
This mod retextures the City of Whiterun.
- textures\architecture\whiterun\*
- textures\smim\architecture\whiterun\*
Skyland - High Hrothgar
This mod retextures High Hrothgar.
Skyland - Markarth
This mod retextures the City of Markarth and Dwemer ruins.
ALT - Markarth's Forge
This mod changes the appearance of the roof of Markarth Blacksmith Forge to better fit the city aesthetic.
Mrf's Riften
This mod retextures Riften.
- meshes\architecture\riften\RTBackyardWall03.nif
- meshes\architecture\riften\RTTemplePlazaLand01.nif
- textures\architecture\\riften\*
- textures\architecture\riften\
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenlogsiding01*
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenplazabrick01*
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenplazabrick02*
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenroofshingles01*
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenshinglesalpha01*
- textures\architecture\riften\
- textures\architecture\riften\riftenwindows02*
- textures\clutter
- textures\dungeons\riften\ratwayirondoor01*
- textures\Mrf
FYX - Riften Canal and Round Posts
Replace vanilla posts with round posts, Fix lots of unnecessary seams, Fixes bad placement and bad UV's. No ESP
Riften 3D Docks
A complete high poly remodelling of Riften's dock.
Riften Architectural Details
This mod changes current and horrible riften city hexagonal meshes into circular meshes
FOMOD Instructions - Riften Architectural Details
Skyland - Solitude
Skyland Solitude offers a truly realistic texture overhaul to the city of Solitude and the Blue Palace along with surrounding areas such as the docks bridge and stone structures and gates along with the Dominion consulate.
Mrf's Solitude
4K Solitude Retexture.
FOMOD Instructions - Mrf's Solitude Unique interior
Delete From Mrf's Solitude -No parallax:
- textures\architecture\solitude\smanhole*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sthrone*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sdirt*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sdragontile*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sgrass*
- textures\architecture\solitude\smetal*
- textures\architecture\solitude\smoss*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sroof*
- textures\architecture\solitude\sstonefloor01*
- textures\architecture\solitude\
- textures\architecture\solitude\
- meshes
- Mrf solitude.esp
- Mrf Solitude_SWAP.ini
Skyland Windhelm
Skyland Windhelm is a complete retexture of all architectural and landscape meshes in and around the city of Windhelm. Using 2k-4k textures from 3D scanned surfaces, Skyland Windhelm will offer you the greatest visuals for your game. From the interiors to the exteriors of buildings, ground, puddles, the bridge, and more are all covered.
- textures\architecture\windhelm\whroughground*
Skyland - College of Winterhold
See the College of Winterhold like you never have before with Skyland Winterhold. Retextured from the ground up in 2k/2k textures. Recreated with a blend of traditional and photogrammetry texturing techniques that deliver stunning, realistic textures up close and far away.
This mod improves the textures of Windows throughout Skyrim.
- textures\architecture\solitude
Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls
This mod is a mesh and texture replacer for the freestanding stone walls in Skyrim (like the ones along the road outside Riverwood.
FOMOD Instructions - Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls (All-In-One FOMOD Installer)
Dungeons and Ruins
Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture Special Edition
This mod is a 2K high-quality retexture of Snow Elf architecture, introduced in Dawnguard DLC.
Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul
This mod is an ambitious dungeon retexturing project which starts with caves and nordic dungeons.
FOMOD Instructions - Underground FOMOD
- textures\architecture
- textures\clutter
aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes SE
A large collection of high-resolution replacements for many of Skyrim's landscape and building textures, including Caves, Mines, Imperial Forts, Farmhouses, Whiterun, and Solstheim.
FOMOD Instructions - aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\pelt*
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\
- textures\architecture\farmhouse\
Rudy HQ - Nordic Ruins SE
HQ texture overhaul of Nordic Ruins, with some UV tweaks, plus a new meshes and textures for a candles :)
- meshes\dungeons\nordic\exterior\dragonbridge01.nif
- Textures\clutter\
- Textures\clutter\
- Textures\trap\
- Textures\trap\
Skyrim Remastered - Caves
A retexture of Skyrim's caves, with a complete overhaul for the ice caves to make them look like actual ice.
- meshes/dungeons/caves/green/rocks/cavegrockl02.nif
- meshes/dungeons/caves/ice/cliffs
Dwemer Tech
Dwemer pipework reworked
Dwemer pipes are supposedly used as ventilation and a heating system - now they really are. Before there were fake exhaust holes drawn on the pipes, now these holes are real. Reworked meshes to have transparency and made them double-sided. Added animated fans inside, increased metal glossiness.
SSE - Downsize Textures - 2K
profile from the drop-down menu, then run the mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.Ancient Dwemer Metal
A handpainted retexture of all the Dwemer metal and stonework.
JS Attunement Sphere and Lexicons SE
A complete remake of the Attunement Sphere & Lexicons.
JS Dwemer Artifacts SE
A complete remake of the Dwemer dungeon clutter.
JS Dwemer Control Cube SE
A complete remake of the Dwemer Control Cube.
JS Dwemer Ichor Barrels SE
A complete remake of Dwemer Ichor Barrels.
JS Dwemer Kitchenware SE
A complete remake of Dwemer Kitchenware.
JS Dwarven Oil SE
A complete remake of Dwarven Oil.
JS Dwemer Puzzle Cube SE
A complete remake of the Dwemer Puzzle Cube.
Cooking, Food, and Beverages
Basic Dining Set Replacer
This mod replaces the dining set we often see in farmhouses or taverns in Skyrim.
Realistic HD Food Remastered
This mod improves the quality of the food textures.
- meshes\clutter\food\cheesewedge02.nif
- meshes\clutter\food\cheesewheel02a.nif
- meshes\clutter\food\cheesewheel02b.nif
Realistic HD Mushrooms Remastered
This mod improves the texture quality of mushrooms.
Glowing Mushroom Collision Fixes
Fixes the infuriatingly difficult-to-pick glowing mushrooms. No more mashing keys, or trying to select the tiny tendrils with surgical precision! Large, easy-to-select hitboxes make picking these a breeze.
FOMOD Instructions - Glowing Mushroom Collision Fixes
Retexture for Soup
This mod is a high quality retexture of the various soups in Skyrim.
Clutter and Miscellaneous
Animated Clutter SE
This mod adds opening/closing animations to several objects that should be animated for the sake of greater realism.
FOMOD Instructions - Animated Clutter SE
Glorious Doors of Skyrim (GDOS) SE
The mod overhaul all the main doors of all the major cities.
FOMOD Instructions - Glorious Doors of Skyrim SE
CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE Edition
This mod retextures ore veins and mined ore.
FOMOD Instructions - Enhanced Ore Veins
This mod is a complete overhaul of the original vampire quest item. All new meshes and textures were created to fix the ugly distorted eyesore that was the original.
Dark Brotherhood Tenets Restored
This mod improves the textures of the Dark Brotherhood Tenets.
Dressed Hearthfire Doll
She was naked in the cold of Skyrim for a long time. Now she has a red one-piece dress and a new face for this old cloth doll.
FOMOD Instructions - Dressed Hearthfire Doll
Burnt Corpses 2k-4k Textures Redone
This mod retextures the burnt vanilla corpses.
ElSopa - Papers HD SE
This mod retextures the paper used in books, letters, notes and journals.
Iconic's Remastered Paragon Gems Retexture
High quality remastered Paragon gems from the Forgotten Vale in the Dawnguard DLC.
FOMOD Instructions - Iconic's Remastered Paragon Gems Retexture
Rally's Market Stalls Animated
Texture and mesh replacer for all Market stalls in game. Optional 3D Trellis and wood colours. Covers small vendor chests. Includes dozens of mesh fixes. Already SMIMed, compatible with ELFX/Lux
FOMOD Instructions - Rally's Market Stalls
SD's Horn Candles SE
New custom meshes and custom textures for the game's horn candle.
JS Common Cages SE
A complete remake of Prisoner, Animal and Hanging Cages.
JS Dragon Claws AE (Anniversary Edition)
Adds NEW models and textures for vanilla & third party Dragon Claws. Comes in 1k, 2k and 4k Resolutions. For Skyrim Special Edition.
FOMOD Instructions - JS Dragon Claws AE Anniversary Edition
- JS Dragon Claws AE - Helgen Reborn.esp
- JS Dragon Claws AE - Konahriks Accoutrements.esp
- JS Dragon Claws AE - Legacy of the Dragonborn.esp
- JS Dragon Claws AE - Skyrim Sewers.esp
- JS Dragon Claws AE - Wyrmstooth.esp
- JS_DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp
- JS_DBM_KA_Patch.esp
- JS_DBM_SkyrimSewers_Patch.esp
- JS_DBM_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp
JS Instruments of Skyrim SE
This mod is a complete remake of the Lute, Flute & Drum.
JS Purses and Septims SE
A complete re-creation of Septims, Coin Purses and Coin Piles.
FOMOD Instructions - JS Purses and Septims SE
Rustic Maps
Hi-res lore-friendly retexture of the two battle maps in Skyrim. Now you can read all the map information in game, if you choose the 4K version.
This mod adds banners along roadsides at the boundaries of two holds. The banner will show which hold is being entered. If unsure which hold the banner represents, simply target it and the name of the hold will appear.
- HoldBorderBanners.BSA (The textures from this mod are not required so you don't need to extract this BSA before deleting it.)
PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition
This mod increases the number of pelts used by the game from the default 3 to 9 and adds new higher quality textures.
SMIM Barrel Expansion - Mead Barrel - Oil Barrel - Butter Churn
High poly versions of mead barrels, oil barrels, and butter churns consistent with SMIM.
Still Beating Hearts
An animated mesh replacer for common ingredients Daedra Heart and Human Heart that gives the illusion they're still beating.
RUGNAROK - Special Edition
This mod is a high-quality mesh and texture for all the rugs found throughout the game.
This mod is a rustic overhaul of the alchemy and enchanting tables of Skyrim. The aim is to bring real antiquity to these arcane crafting tables as is fitting of their ancient origin.
- textures\dungeons
This mod is a hi-res and lore-friendly retexture of Skyrim dinnerware, pottery, silverware/goldware, and wine bottles. The original color scheme was preserved for the most part. The pots, plates, and cups have the greens and golds of the Whiterun interiors, and the larger flowerpots and urns have the blue hues of Solitude and the Blue Palace, where those items are prominently featured.
- meshes
RUSTIC FURNITURE - SPECIAL EDITION is a high-resolution retexture of the noble furniture and high chest for Skyrim. Available in 4K and 2K resolutions. A version is available for SMIM users with the SMIM noble chair textures included.
RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE is a retexture of the dragon skeleton that is revealed after the Dovahkiin absorbs the dragon's soul.
This mod is a high-quality retexture of the ancient Elderscroll that features prominently as a quest item in both the main story and Dawnguard DLC.
RUSTIC RELIEFS is a collection of several of my Skyrim LE mods. This package includes the textures for RUSTIC MONUMENTS & TOMBSTONES, RUSTIC NORDIC MURALS, RUSTIC STANDING STONES, and RUSTIC WORD WALLS.
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition
This mod features hi-res textures and modified meshes. The soul gems now have transparency and a subtle animated colour-shifting effect. Each soul gem has its own diffuse texture, rather than sharing textures as in the default version. The soul gem holders have also been retextured.
FOMOD Instructions - RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition - FOMOD - English Only
RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - Special Edition
RUSTIC AZURA'S STAR - Special Edition is a hi-res retexture of the daedric artifact, Azura's Star.
Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE
HQ meshes for glazed pottery with new 4K/2K textures. HQ meshes for in-game silverware with new HQ candles. Realistic apples, tomatoes, potatoes, and common bed pillows, plus HQ meshes for common plates.
FOMOD Instructions - Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE
Awesome Potions Simplified by Revoith
This mod replaces the models and textures from XxAwesome_PotionsxX SSE by Lucifonxx. It also changes the file path and naming system back to vanilla. So this beautiful simplified potions can be used with other Alchemy/Potion mods.
Complete overhaul of all Banners in Skyrim, including the DLCs.
Sigils of Skyrim - Banners
Welcome to a revamped, realistic, and complete Banner Retexture Project. The successor to "Designs of the Nords" now featuring all base game and DLC banners.
- textures\architecture\whiterun\
- textures\architecture\whiterun\
- textures\dlc02\clutter
Training Dummies Retexture 4k and 2k
Replaces vanilla training dummies. 2k and 4k Versions. Several people requested this mod. So here it is! No esp needed. Just a texture replacer.
This mod replaces and adds more unique and diverse textures, than the usual 3 used by the vanilla game, to spider webs, cobwebs and egg sacs placements throughout the entire game world.
WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones
This mod replaces the texture of all the hagraven clutter and animal bones, including trophies with antlers that can be found hanging on the walls of many Skyrim buildings.
FOMOD Instructions - WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones
This mod retextures the blurry drops which are seen dripping in dungeons and caves.
Water for ENB
A water modification that takes full advantage of advanced features offered by ENBSeries.
FOMOD Instructions - Water for ENB
Water for ENB USSEP and Location Patches - All versions of Water for ENB Included
Patches which combine the XCLN - Location references added by some mods with the water edits made by Water for ENB.
- From
- Millwater WENB Patch.esp
- Oakwood WENB Patch.esp
Natural Waterfalls
A complete locational overhaul of every waterfall in the Tamriel Worldspace
FOMOD Instructions - Natural Waterfalls
Natural Waterfalls - Majestic Mountains Patch
Patches the three conflicting meshes between Natural Waterfalls and Majestic Mountains taking the rocks from Majestic Mountains and the water effects from Natural Waterfalls.
FOMOD Instructions - Natural Waterfalls - Majestic Mountains Patch
Mesh Fixes Patches
High Poly Project - My fixes SE-AE
Some fixes I did for the awesome High Poly Project mod. Fixed the ashen and snowy chopping block. Snow texture for the snowy firewood. And more.
Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes - Optionals
This mod adds various optional patches for Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes.
Better Wooden Spikes Texture
Edit of in exposure, brightness, saturation and contrast to make it a bit more nordic, old and darker.
Mesh Patch for Various Mods
This mod is simply some mesh conflict resolution patches.
Gems in All Mines - SE
Find gems in all mines and throughout the depths of Blackreach. This mod also adds the missing Diamond and Garnet Geodes to your game.
Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass SE
A new Dayspring Pass entrance (NO MORE TINY CAVE!!).
Immersive Dayspring Pass - Atlas Map Marker Patch
Fixes the map marker issues between Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass SE (IDDP) & Atlas Map Markers SE - Updated with MCM
Northern Marsh Bridges
This mod adds several wooden bridges across the northern marshlands of Hjaalmarch.
Ryn's Bleak Falls Barrow
A group of additions to the exterior of Bleak Falls Barrow.
Ryn's Bleak Falls Barrow - Majestic Mountains Patch to fix landscape seam
Resolves a landscape seam in the road up to Bleak Falls Barrow when using Majestic Mountains with Ryn's Bleak Falls Barrow.
Ryn's Dragon Mounds Collection
All of my 22 Dragon Mound locations overhauls are flagged as individual ESL files.
Ryn's Goldenglow Estate
An overhaul to the exterior of the Goldenglow Estate location.
Ryn's Halted Stream Camp
An overhaul of the Halted Stream Camp exterior.
Ryn's Saarthal
An overhaul of the exterior of Saarthal.
Ryn's Snazzy Last Vigil
An expansive overhaul of the way you see and experience the Ebony Warrior.
Ryn's Valtheim Towers
An overhaul to the exterior of Valtheim Towers.
Ryn's Western Watchtower
An overhaul of the Western Watchtower of Whiterun.
Patches for Ryn's
Conflict resolution patches for an assorted of mods that I use... with Ryn's mods that I use
Serenity - A Silent Moons Camp Overhaul
A mod to make Silent Moons Camp into a larger bandit camp to sate my lust for forts and towers, as well as making the lunar enchantment and forge better, and make Silent Moons Camp claimable.
FOMOD Instructions - Serenity Installer
Skyrim Sewers
This mod adds sewer systems to Solitude, Whiterun & Windhelm and a couple of forts.
- Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer and pick the
Lexy's LOTD SE - BSA
Profile from the drop-down menu, then run the mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.
Skyrim Sewers - Radiant Quests Enabled
Enables some of the radiant quests to take place in locations added by Skyrim Sewers.
Skyrim Sewers 4 and Saints and Seducers Patch
Moves the Solitude Sewers entrance from Skyrim Sewers 4 in order to be compatible with CC Saints and Seducer.
Solitude Harbour Footbridge.
Adds a little footbridge that spans the channel from Haafingar to Hjaalmarch.
Stendarr Rising - The Hall of the Vigilant Rebuild
The vicious vampire attack on the Vigil of Stendarr has left their Hall a smoking ruin. Take control of the destroyed Hall, clear the rubble, relight the forge and resurrect a new Hall from the ashes. Build fortified defences and recruit new Vigilants to man the ramparts and defend against vampire raids.
FOMOD Instructions - Stendarr Rising - The Hall of the Vigilant Rebuild
Unique Border Gates Fixes
Unique Border Gates redesigns the border crossings of Cyrodill, Hammerfell and Morrowind by adding new, unique and immersive gates. No two are alike and I believe the design reflects the area well.
- Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer and pick the
Lexy's LOTD SE - BSA
Profile from the drop-down menu, then run the Main File Unique Border Gates - Fixes through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.
Deadly Spell Impacts
This mod adds fire, lightning, and frost spell impacts with their own unique textures.
FOMOD Instructions - Deadly Spell Impacts
Enhanced Blood Textures
This mod makes a bloodier combat experience for both player and npcs with higher resolution and detailed textures with additional features such as decapitated spasms, blood drops when low health, blood pools, green blood for spiders and oil for machines.
FOMOD Instructions - Enhanced Blood Textures
DUST By Ramccoid
This mod retextures the ambient dust particles which float in the air and also the falling dust effect in dungeons and such places.