Vanilla Creature Retextures and Tweaks

Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack (SE)


This mod is a high-quality retexture of the Skyrim dragons.

Main FilesBellyAches HD Dragon Replacer 1.4

Chappers Demonic Alduin Mashup


This is a mashup up of two Alduin texture mods to make a really demonic looking Alduin




This mod retextures Dragon Priests.

Optional FilesDragon.Priest.2k



This mod retextures Draugr.

Optional FilesDraugr.2k

Falmer Overhaul - New models and textures


Replaces Falmer models and textures.

Main FilesFalmers - with 2k texturesVersion:1.01



This mod is a Giant skin and outfit HD texture overhaul.

Main FilesGiant.4k



This mod is a Hagraven and Glenmoril Witches skin/outfit's texture overhaul.

Optional FilesHAGRAVEN.2k



This mod is a hi-res retexture of the HD Horker mod.

Main FilesHAPPY HORKER - 2KVersion:1.0

HD Horker

    CLASSIC MO2 Removal Tool

This mod is a high-quality mesh of the Horker.

Main FilesHorker
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • textures

High-Res Dartwing (Dragonfly) Texture


This mod is a high-resolution retexture for the dragonflies in Skyrim.

Main FilesMain FileVersion:1.02



This mod is a skin and armour texture overhaul of all the Mammoths.

Main FilesMammoth.4kVersion:1.0

Night Mother


This mod replaces The Night Mother.

Main FilesNight motherVersion:1.0

RUSTIC DAEDRA - Special Edition

    MO2 Removal Tool

RUSTIC DAEDRA SSE is a high-resolution retexture of Skyrim's daedra. This includes the elemental daedra (the flame, frost, and storm atronachs), as well as the Dragonborn daedra, the lurker and seeker. Also included are the Dawnguard ancient frost atronach, and the Dragonborn ash guardian.

Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • textures\effects\
  • textures\effects\


    MO2 Removal Tool

This mod is a hi-res retexture of the Death Hound and of the Gargoyles from the Dawnguard DLC.

Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • textures\dlc01\dungeons




This mod is a hi-res retexture of the frostbite spiders found in Skyrim.


RUSTIC SPRIGGAN - Special Edition


This mod is a hi-res retexture of the four types of Spriggans found in Skyrim.

Main FilesRUSTIC SPRIGGAN - Special Edition - 2KOptional FilesRUSTIC SPRIGGAN EFFECTS



This is a texture overhaul of the Sabre Cat, Sabre Cat Snow and Vale Cat (dlc01), including the related pelts clutters.

Optional FilesSabrecat.2kVersion:1.0



This mod retextures Skeleton and clutter stuff.

Optional FilesSkeleton.and.Human.Bones.2k



This mod is a skin and armour texture overhaul of all the Trolls.

Main FilesTroll.4k

Vampire Lord Retexture


An alternative texture for the vampire lord.

Main FilesVampire Lord Retextured (Demonic)



This mod is a skin and cloth texture overhaul for the Wispmother.

Main FilesWispmother.2x1k

Rally's Highland Cows and Cowhide


4K retexture for the highland cow, painted highland cow and cowhide.

Main FilesRallys Highland Cow HQ - 2KVersion:1.1

NPC Retextures

Diversity - A Character Overhaul

    CAO MO2 Removal Tool zMerge

A Lore-Mindful Makeover of all Skyrim's Characters.

Main FilesDiversity - Vanilla Hair Edition (v3.31crf)
Special InstructionsBefore you do anything else, a Dummy Master for Cutting Room Floor needs to be created using Wrye Bash this is required in order to load the plugin in xEdit:
  1. Launch Wrye Bash.
  2. Once Wrye bash is open locate Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp (it should have a red box next to it)
  3. Right-click then on the pop-menu select Create Dummy Masters
  4. A Pop-up message will display click yes.
  5. Exit Wrye Bash
  6. Dummy Masters will have been added to the Overwrite folder in Mod Organizer 2.
Now we need to use xEdit to remove Cutting Room Floor as a master:
  1. Launch xEdit
  2. Select only Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp
  3. Remove the Book, Dialog Topic, Quest and Worldspace entries.
  4. Right-click on Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp and select Clean Masters.
  5. The file header should turn bold indicating required masters have been updated.
  6. Click on the file header.
  7. Check the Masters list and verify that Cutting Room Floor.esp is no longer listed.
  8. Close and exit
Next, we need to Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding:
  • Open xEdit and select ONLY "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp, and Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp"
  • Right-click Diversity - A Character Overhaul.esp and select Apply Script
  • Select the Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding from the drop-down list
  • Click OK.
  • A new window opens with a long list of stuff in it, simply click Okay again on this window without touching any of the checkboxes.
  • Let it run.
  • Close SSEEdit making sure to save!
At this point, you can remove the dummy masters created by Wrye Bash that is located in the Overwrite Folder of Mod Organizer 2.

Next, we need to use Cathedral Assets Optimizer to optimise the textures and meshes:

  • Close Mod Organizer 2.
  • Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer pick the Lexy's LOTD SE - No BSA Profile from the drop-down menu then run the mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.
Finally delete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • Meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Skyrim.esm\0010c454.nif
  • Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Skyrim.esm\

Patches for Diversity - CFTO Patch


Use this patch with Diversity Vanilla Hair version 3.31crf. This works with Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul v2.0. ESL-flagged.

Optional FilesDiversity - CFTO Patch (Vanilla Hair)

Diversity - SRCEO Patch


This mod is a compatibility patch between Diversity (Vanilla Hair) SRCEO.

Miscellaneous FilesDiversity - SRCEO Patch

WICO - Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul

    CAO EXTRACT THE BSA MO2 Removal Tool zMerge

This mod is a massive overhaul for all the NPCs.


Do not Extract the The BSA's Via MO2 the BSA's will be extracted when you run CAO.

Main FilesWICO Special Edition - Nude 0.9fVersion:0.9f
Special Instructions
  1. Before you do anything else, download Striped BSA for default settings from WICO cleanup script.
  2. When installing the Striped BSA for default make sure to name it WICO - Windsong Immersive Chracter Overhaul and merge with the Main-Mod when asked.
  3. Open SSEEdit and select ONLY "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp and WICO - Immersive People.esp"
  4. Right-click WICO - Immersive People.esp and select Apply Script
  5. Select the Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding from the drop-down list
  6. Click OK.
  7. A new window opens with a long list of stuff in it, simply click Okay again on this window without touching any of the checkboxes.
  8. When it asks if you would like to make USSEP a master, click YES/OK.
  9. Close SSEEdit, making sure to save!
  10. Launch Cathedral Assets Optimizer and pick Lexy's LOTD SE - WICO Profile from the drop-down menu. Then, run the main file mod through Cathedral Assets Optimizer.
  11. Now Delete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
    • WICO - Immersive Character.bsl
    • WICO - Immersive People.bsl
    • WICO - ReadME.txt
    • meshes\actors\character\character assets\beastraces
    • meshes\actors\character\character assets\femaleheadraces.tri
    • meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\wico - immersive character.esp
    • textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\wico - immersive character.esp
Idiot Check

Make sure you have replaced WICO - Immersive People.bsa with the one downloaded and extracted from above and run Hishy NPC RecordForwarding Script.

Northbourne NPCs of Falkreath Hold


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 60 named male and female NPCs in Falkreath Hold (except children and beast races).

Main FilesNorthbourne NPCs of Falkreath Hold - Full Version

Northbourne NPCs of Haafingar


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 104 named male and female NPCs in Haafingar Hold (except children and beast races).

Main FilesNorthbourne NPCs of Haafingar

Northbourne NPCs of Hjaalmarch


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 27 named male and female NPCs in Hjaalmarch Hold (except children and beast races).

Main FilesNorthbourne NPCs of Hjaalmarch

Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim


This mod is an overhaul of the Orcs of Skyrim.

Main FilesMetalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim
  • Problem: Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim.esp contains a wild edit.
  • Solution: Load the plugin into xEdit and remove the Race entry.
  • Problem: Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim.esp lacks USSEP compatibility.
  • Solution: Run Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding script:
  • Open SSEEdit and select ONLY "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp and Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim.esp"
  • Right-click Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim.esp and select Apply Script
  • Select the Hishy_NPC_RecordForwarding from the drop-down list
  • Click OK
  • A new window opens with a long list of stuff in it, simply click OK again on this window without any touching of the checkboxes.
  • If it asks if you would like to make USSEP a master click YES/OK.
  • Close SSEEdit making sure to save!

Northbourne NPCs of the Rift


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 125 named male and female NPCs in the Rift Region (except children and beast races).

Main FilesNorthbourne NPCs of The Rift - Full Version

Northbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 102 named male and female NPCs in Whiterun Hold (except children and beast races).

Old FilesNorthbourne NPCs of Whiterun Hold - Full Version

Northbourne NPCs of Winterhold


This is a high poly face replacer/redesign for all 34 named male and female NPCs in the Winterhold Region (except children and beast races).

Main FilesNorthbourne NPCs of Winterhold Full Version

Patches for Northbourne NPCs


A collection of patches for Northbourne NPCs.

Main FilesNB NPCs - CFTO Patch AIOVersion:1.1Main FilesNB NPCs - USSEP Fixes AIOVersion:1.1

Improved Bards - Special Edition

    MO2 Removal Tool

This is a standalone mod that replaces the appearance of the bards across Skyrim.

Main FilesImproved Bards - Special Edition USSEP v1.2Version:1.2
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\IB - All-in-One.esp
  • textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\IB - All-in-One.esp
Load IB - All-in-One.esp and remove the following: (xx is formid of IB - All-in-One.esp)
  • Cell
  • Non-Player Character (Actor) \ xx00132D <1_IBThora_NPC>

Elegant Elven Followers SSE


A makeover mod for Skyrim's elven followers featuring unique, lore-friendly looks & improved combat skills.

Main FilesElegant Elven Followers SE

Somewhat Lore-Friendly Aringoth


Appearance replacer for Aringoth intended to homogenize some vanilla weirdness.

Main FilesSomewhat Lore-Friendly Aringoth - Alternate Eyes

Followers Hirelings and Housecarls SSE


Makeover of all Followers, Hirelings, and Housecarls for Skyrim, Hearthfires, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn.

Main FilesFHH_LEGENDARY_VE_USSEPMiscellaneous FilesFHH MizzEdition Warpaints
Special Instructions
  • Make sure to merge the Main Files and the Miscellaneous Files together in Mod Organizer 2

Marvelous Mage Followers SSE


A makeover mod for Skyrim's spellcasting followers featuring unique, lore-friendly looks & improved combat skills.

Main FilesMarvelous Mage Followers SE

Pandorable's NPCs - Males


A visual overhaul of 60 male NPCs.

Main FilesPAN_NPCs - Males SEVersion:1.1

Pandorable's NPCs - Males 2


A visual overhaul of 60 more male NPCs.

Main FilesPAN_NPCs - Males 2 SEVersion:1.1

The Ordinary Women SSE


This mod changes the appearances of NPCs (54).

Main FilesThe Ordinary Women

Kalilies NPCs


Changes the appearance of 51 female NPCs. Standalone.

Main FilesKalilies NPCsVersion:2.4

Fresh Faces


This mod changes the appearance of some female NPCs.

Main FilesFresh Faces

Pandorable's NPCs


A visual overhaul of 80 female NPCs.

Main FilesPAN_NPCs

Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard


This Mod Make over the Dawnguard NPCs.

Main FilesPAN_NPCs - Dawnguard - USSEP

Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn


This mod gives the NPC from Dragonborn a makeover.

Main FilesPandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn SE

Bijin Warmaidens SE


This Mod changes the appearances of Lydia, Jordis, Iona, Aela, Mjoll, Uthgerd, Ria, Frea, Rayya, Njada, Annekke, Adelaisa, Jenassa, Illia, Delphine, Ingjard, Aranea, Eola, Borgakh, Brelyna and Beleval.

Main FilesBijin Warmaidens SE v3.1.3

Bijin Wives SE


This mod changes the appearances of Camilla Valerius, Ysolda, Sylgja, Temba Wide Arm and Taarie.

Main FilesBijin Wives SE 1.1.2

Bijin NPCs SE


This mod will change the appearances of Vex, Sapphire, Irileth, Rikke, Hulda, Lisette, Carlotta, Karliah and Tonilia.

Main FilesBijin NPCs SE 1.2.1

Bijin NPCs Civil War Legate Rikke Fix


This is a small patch that fixes the black face bug for Legate Rikke during the civil war quest.

Main FilesCivil War Legate Rikke Bijin Fix

Pandorable's Black-Briar Ladies


A replacer for Maven and Ingun Black-Briar.

Main FilesPandorable's Black-Briar Ladies

Pandorable's Frea


A replacer for Frea.

Main FilesPAN_Frea SEVersion:2.0

Pandorable's Initiates


A replacer for the two Dark Brotherhood Initiates.

Main FilesPAN_Initiates SE - eslVersion:1.2.1

Pandorable's Lethal Ladies


A small replacer for Jenassa and Karliah.

Main FilesPandorable's Lethal Ladies

Pandorable's Serana


This mod will change Serana's appearance.

Main FilesPAN_Serana SEVersion:1.3

Pandorable's Valerica


This mod will change Valerica's appearance.

Old FilesPAN_ValericaVersion:1.1

Pandorable's Shield-Sisters


Small visual overhaul of Aela the Huntress, Ria, and Njada Stonearm.

Main FilesPAN_ShieldSisters SE

Pandorable's Warrior Women - Mjoll Uthgerd Adelaisa


A visual overhaul of Mjoll the Lioness, Uthgerd the Unbroken and Adelaisa.

Main FilesPAN_WarriorWomen SEVersion:1.4

Pandorable's Heroes of Sovngarde


This mod was requested by one of my awesome patrons, it covers 13 NPCs found in Sovngarde and I don't think I would have thought to cover these characters otherwise. As usual, I have kept it lightweight by having the NPCs use the skin and body mods you have installed and I have left the NPC weights untouched for increased compatibility with other mods.

Main FilesPAN_NPCs - Sovngarde

eeekie's Enhanced NPCs

Unique, realistic NPC replacers, some with high poly heads, all with a lot of time, care, and consideration.
Main Fileseeekie's Enhanced NPCs Main FOMODUpdate FilesFralia esp Hotfix

eeekie's Teldryn Sero


Appearance replacer for our favorite Dunmer sellsword. Patch for Teldryn Serious included. Both ESL flagged.

Main Fileseeekie's Teldryn Sero

eeekie's High-Poly Real Delphine


Appearance replacer for our favourite Blade Delphine. She's high poly, ESL flagged, and full of default attitude.

Main Fileseeekie's Real Delphine Redux

RS Children Overhaul


This mod fixes children to no longer look like cabbage patch dolls.

Main FilesRSSE Children Overhaul 1.1.3 with hotfix 1

RS Children Patch Compendium


This mod adds various patches for RS Children.

Main FilesRSC FOMOD BetaVersion:5.1
Idiot Check

Do not install any Books of Skyrim, ETaC, or Solitude Docks patches from this mod, updated versions were installed elsewhere.

RS Children - Solitude Docks Updated


tiny mod to add compatibility between RS Children and Solitude Docks Updated.

Main FilesRS Children - Solitude Docks Updated PatchVersion:1.0

Vander Nightbrook - Courier Replacer


Vander Nightbrook is a fully custom-voiced courier-replacer. He is the Post Haste representative in Skyrim and will take over all deliveries. His origin story comes from CouchWarrior and can be found on his YouTube Channel. Vander is not the usual Bosmer.

Main FilesVander Nightbrook - Courier ReplacerVersion:Release-Version-1.0

Vander Nightbrook - USSEP Patch


Compatibility patch between Vander Nightbrook and USSEP.

Optional FilesVander Nightbrook - USSEP PatchVersion:1.0

Vander Nightbrook Courier - Patches Hub


I really loved Beofisch's Vander Nightbrook Courier replacer, but it just didn't fully cooperate with my load order. Specifically the Provincial Courier Service, so I made some compatibility patches!

Main FilesVander Nightbrook Forgotten City PatchVersion:1.0

NPC Retexture Merge Consistency Patch


This is Patch to make sure all the NPCs Overhauls play nice with each and what I want to win is, well winning.

Main FilesNPC Retexture Merge Consistency PatchVersion:2.16

NPC Retextures - OWL Patch


Compatibility patch for the various NPC Retextures the guide uses and OWL.

Optional FilesNPC Retextures - OWL PatchVersion:1.08

Beards, Brows, and Hair



This mod replaces the existing beards with high-resolution hand painted beards that are true to the vanilla style, but look so much more photo realistic. Beards also feature added beard styles that were present in the Skyrim files, but not enabled in game.

Main FilesHvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards 5.0.1

Better Argonian Horns


Argonian horns, but colour-corrected, higher poly, and permanent.

Main FilesBetter Argonian HornsVersion:2.2



This mod replaces the existing eyebrows with high-resolution hand painted eyebrows that are true to the vanilla style, but look so much more photo realistic. Brows also feature added brow styles that will be added along the way as the mod develops.

Main FilesHvergelmir's Aesthetics - Brows 4.1

Kalilies Brows


Adds 17 new eyebrows for female characters, including asymmetrical ones.

Main FilesKalilies Brows

KS Hairdos SSE


This mod adds a large number of high-quality hair styles to the character creator.

Main FilesKS Hairdo's SSE

More Realistic Hair


This mod retextures hair for a more realistic appearance.

Main FilesRealistic Hair

Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures


This mod is a texture replacer for vanilla hair - meaning, it doesn't need any esp nor it will not install new hairstyles to the game - it will just change the appearance of vanilla hair.

Main FilesAll-in-one NMM installer and BAIN Package - UPDATED v2.03

KS Hairdos 1.7 Salt and Wind


KS Hairdo's 1.7 with Salt & Wind textures completely redone

Main FilesKS Hairdos 1.7 - Salt and WindMiscellaneous FilesBijin Family - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesMetalsabers Beautiful Orcs - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesPandorable's Lethal Ladies - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesPandorable's NPCs - Salt and WindVersion:1.1Miscellaneous FilesPandorable's NPCs DB - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesPandorable's NPCs DG - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesRS Children - Salt and WindVersion:1.0 Miscellaneous FilesThe Ordinary Women - Salt and WindVersion:1.0

Pandorable's Males - Salt and Wind retexture


Simple retexture of Pandorable's NPCs - Males hair textures with Salt & Wind ones.

Main FilesPandorable's Males - Salt and Wind

Kalilies NPCs - Salt and Wind retexture


Simple retexture of Kalilies NPCs hair textures with Salt & Wind ones.

Main FilesKalilies NPCs - Salt and Wind

Foamimi's Salt and Wind Retexture Hub


Salt and Wind hair retextures (when applicable) of various NPC overhaul mods.

Main FilesFoamimi's Salt and Wind Retexture Hub - FOMODVersion:3.0.0

Foamimi's Salt and Wind Retexture Hub - Pandorable's Valerica - Salt and Wind


Salt and Wind hair retextures for Pandorable's Valerica.

Old FilesPandorable's Valerica - Salt and WindVersion:1.0


Improved Eyes Skyrim

    EXTRACT THE BSA MO2 Removal Tool

This mod is highly detailed replacements of all the existing eyes for all races.

Main FilesImproved Eyes Skyrim SSE 1.6
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • Textures\Actors\Character\eyes\eyeargonian*.dds
  • Textures\Actors\Character\eyes\
  • Textures\Actors\Character\eyes\eyekhajiit*.dds

The Eyes Of Beauty - Vampire Eyes SSE


Standalone vampire eyes replacer with new improved SE vampire eye mesh, both normal and glowing. Credit to original author LogRaam and with permission from JRICH604.

Main FilesThe Eyes Of Beauty - Vampire Eyes SSE

Cumulative fix for Eye Meshes


Fix underwater and black eyes issues when you use an enb. Cumulative fix, thank to theannagarcia & devpieron & Kyoni

Main Files0. Underwater fix and Black Eye Fix lesserVersion:1.03

Scars, Tints, and Warpaints

Northborn Scars


This mod is a high-quality retexture of the vanilla scars and adds a few new ones.

Main FilesNorthborn Scars

PAINTERLY - a High Res Vanilla Warpaint Retexture


This mod is a high-quality retexture of the vanilla Warpaints.

Main FilesPainterly_HighResVanillaWarpaint


EVG Animation Variance


Adds variety to existing animations, through NPC personality types, conditions, or just randomly.

Main FilesEVG Animation Variance 1.1Version:1.1

EVG Conditional Idles


A few basic hand-animated idles that are roughly 9-13 seconds long, that only play in specific conditions.

Main FilesEVG Conditional IdlesVersion:1.51

EVG Conditionals extended (injured-stamina-magicka-nakedness)


This animation mod greatly extends the amount of animation in Everglaid's EVG conditional idles to fully immerse you in the conditions you and the npcs are suffering.

Main FilesEVG conditionals extendedVersion:1.5

cookeh's conditional and random animations


This mod adds small hand-animated, player character exclusive random and/or conditional Idles to your game like stroking your hair after taking a bath or holding your hand out for snowflakes.


Dragon Animation Replace in Special Edition


This mod changes the standing animation for dragons.

Main FilesDragonAnimationReplace_inSE_1_01Optional FilesDARinSE_1_01_StandingBreathOption

D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly SSE


This mod is an edit of the stand up get up animation to be twice as fast.

Main FilesD13 Faster Get Up Stand Up SSE

Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-


This mod replaces "tri" files for human and elf male face animation.

Main FilesExpressive Facial Animation - Male Edition

Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-


This mod replaces "tri" files for human and elf male face animation.

Main FilesExpressive Facial Animation - Female Edition

Gesture Animation Remix (OAR)


Adds over 30 dialogue gesture animation variants according to NPCs personality, role in society and by armour type. Works with custom followers and NPC from mods as well as vanilla. Dynamic Animation Replacer folders with .hkx animations - no esp/esl!

Main FilesGesture Animation Remix (OAR) - main archiveVersion:2.1.1

Lively Children Animations (OAR)

    DAR--OAR MO2 Removal Tool

Makes kids childish: adds more than 10 idles and 10 dialogue gestures and other animation variants + secret bonus animation specifically to children.

Main FilesLively Children Animations (OAR)Version:2.2.1
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • meshes\actors\character\animations\OpenAnimationReplacer\LCA\500mtihhd\female\mt_idlehhrighttoleft.hkx

Immersive Animations


This adds new optional animations and refines vanilla animations for players who appreciate the overall feel of the vanilla style.

Main FilesImmersive Animations

Immersive Interactions - Animated Actions


See your character perform context-aware animations when interacting with the world. Animated greeting of NPCs, pickpocketing, lockpicking, and more!

Main FilesImmersive InteractionsVersion:1.78

First Person Animation Teleport Bug Fix


Behaviour patch that fixes a vanilla bug where starting certain interaction animations in first person teleports you to the start of the cell you were in. Clean, compatible, and lightweight.

Main Files1st Person Interact Animation Teleport Bug FixVersion:1.0.0

Blocking Animation Pack SSE


This mod is a blocking animation replacer for greatsword, battleaxe, warhammer, one-handed, and dual wield. The animations make it looks like attacks are deflected by the equipped weapon, pushing it aside to left or right.

Main FilesBlocking Animation Pack v1.5--SSE

Dual Wield Improved Animation SSE


This mod improves the dual wielding animations to be more fluid and actually use the off hand in a more non passive way even when swinging only one weapon. Also applies proper animations for the Dual Wield Parrying mod.

Main FilesDual Wield SSE

True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay


Overhauls the third-person gameplay similarly to modern action RPGs, entirely through SKSE. Move and attack in any direction. Includes a custom target lock component and an animated target reticle widget, target head-tracking, projectile aim support during target lock, mount support and more! Modular and customizable through MCM.

Main FilesTrue Directional MovementVersion:2.2.6

No Spinning Death Animation


Simply removes the spinning around dance animation that they do before death, they will now just ragdoll when killed. Works for normal deaths and dying from a high fall. Includes death pose removal of dragons, falmer, and rieklings.

Main FilesNo Spinning Death Animation MERGED

Sleeping Expanded - Animations and NPC reactions


Ever noticed how NPCs don't react at all to being woken up in the middle of the night? Or how character's stop breathing while they sleep? Or... how it takes them YEARS to get in and out of bed? Well, no more! WAKE UP, JARL BALGRUUF!!!!!!! Sleeping Expanded is here!!!!

Miscellaneous FilesSleeping Expanded - Reduced VersionVersion:1.23

CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR


This mod is a basic Breast/Butt and Belly bounce driven by a simple physics model.

Main FilesCBPC - Fomod installer - MAIN FILEVersion:1.6.4
Special Instructions
  • Once installed, Open SKSE\Plugins\CBPCollisionConfig.txt
  • Navigate to BellyBulge=1.0
  • Change BellyBulge=1.0 to BellyBulge=0.0



Faster physics for capes, clothes, hair, etc!

Main FilesFaster HDT-SMPVersion:2.5.1

Skin and Body - Females

UNP Blessed Body SE


please note the mod page and FOMOD are NSFW

This mod replaces the female body mesh with new models. The difference between UNP and UNPB is just bigger breasts, at a 100 weight. At 0 weight UNPB looks the same as regular UNP.

Optional FilesUNP Blessed Body 1.7.2Version:1.7.2

Mild Complexions


Realistic facial complexions to add freckles, wrinkles, or other imperfections to your skin.

Main FilesMild Complexions - SE

BnP - Female Skin


please note the Mod page and FOMOD are NSFW.

A semi-realistic, meticulously crafted, high-quality skin texture replacer for females with insane attention to detail and characteristics. Fully support RBT and RSV for maximum diversity! (UNP and CBBE)

Main FilesBnP female skin 4k (UNP Player and Replacer)Version:2.0

BnP - Child Skin Remastered


A semi-realistic, meticulously crafted, high-quality skin texture replacer for children with insane attention to detail and characteristics. (RS children)

Main FilesBnP child skin (RS children) 4kVersion:2.0

BodySlide and Outfit Studio


An easy to use tool for customizing bodies and outfits, creating new bodies and outfits, and converting outfits between body types.

Main FilesBodySlide and Outfit StudioVersion:5.7.0
Special InstructionsCalienteTools\BodySlide\BodySlide x64.exe needs to be added as an executable in Mod Organizer 2. It is strongly advised to add BodySlide x64.exe to Window Defender exclusion list.
Idiot Check

Make sure to Install this as a normal mod in MO2.

Skin and Body - Males

Males - Males Of Skyrim by zzjay - with Better Male Feet and High poly hands - SE


This is a complete lore-friendly Overhaul for Male bodies.

Main Files00 - Males of Skyrim - Body and textures - SEVersion:1.2

Tempered Skins for Males - Vanilla and SOS versions


please note the mod page and FOMOD are NSFW

High-quality non-beast male face and body texture replacement comes with different options: hair, dirt, and muscle smoothness.

Main FilesTempered Skins for Males - Nude VersionVersion:2.05

Skin and Body - Argonians and Khajiits

Argonians Enhanced Remade


Retextures a lot of things for the argonian race.

Main FilesArgonians Enhanced RemadeVersion:1.0

Riverborn Argonian Skin


A texture replacement for argonians made using Drachi's Argonians skin, Flawn's Vanilla Argonians and SSEUT Argonian upscaled textures by Kartoffels. Available in 4K to 2K.

Main FilesRiverborn Argonian Male Vanilla Body 4KVersion:1.0.4

Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard)


please note the mod page and FOMOD are NSFW

This mod a skin retexture for the female Argonians.

Main FilesFeminine Chameleon and Lizard (UNP-BHUNP) 4KVersion:3.3Update FilesFeminine Argonian Textures HotfixVersion:3.3.Hotfix

Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard)


please note the mod page and FOMOD are NSFW

This mod a skin retexture for the Khajiit female.

Main FilesFeminine Grey Cat and Leopard (UNP-BHUNP) 4KVersion:3.3

Cover Khajiits


This mod is a high-quality retexture for Khajiits.

Main Filescoverkhajiits Male version

Skeleton Stuff

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE


This mod is a multipurpose skeleton for animation that provides maximum compatibility between mods.

Main FilesXP32 Maximum Skeleton Special ExtendedVersion:5.06
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • XPMSE.esp

XP32 Maximum Skeleton lite


XP32 Maximum Skeleton lite for the people who use SOS to use with Immersive Equipment Displays. PLEASE READ THE MOD PAGE.

Main FilesXp32 Maximum Skeleton liteVersion:1.2

Savage Skyrim

    MO2 Removal Tool

Savage Skyrim gives a more realistic and believable feel to its creatures, while also providing the player new challenges and hazards to avoid or overcome. This mod is meant to give the player the feeling that every vanilla creature has actual weight and mass, while also providing a new challenging world to survive in

Main FilesSavage Skyrim
Special InstructionsDelete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
  • Meshes\Actors\atronachflame
  • Meshes\Actors\dragon
  • Meshes\Actors\icewraith
  • Meshes\Actors\slaughterfish
  • Meshes\weapons
  • Textures
  • Savage Skyrim Std.esp

Supreme Vampire Lords


A must have mod for Vampire lovers, this mod not only enlarges the wings of Vampire Lords but also makes new subtle enhancements to the upper torso, along with fixing the ridiculous leg clipping animation when the wings flap as a bonus!!!

Main FilesSupreme Vampire Lords XP32 SE

Wicked Werewolves


A must have for Lycanthrope lovers this mod transforms the cartoon-like proportions of the vanilla Werewolves to a creepier and more realistically proportioned Man-beast , by replacing the vanilla skeleton with a custom one.

Main FilesWicked Werewolves SE XP32

Dual Sheath

Simple Dual Sheath


Makes equipped left hand weapons and both staves visible on the player or NPCs. Works with any weapon. Lightweight SKSE64 plugin. No scripts, ESPs or additional meshes required. Includes shield on back option.

Main FilesSimple Dual Sheath for 1.6.629 and newerVersion:1.5.7Optional FilesXPMSSE Left Hand Sheath Rotation FixVersion:4.80
Once installed, open SKSE\Plugins\SimpleDualSheath.ini and change the following:

Immersive Equipment Displays

Immersive Equipment Displays


Display unequipped gear and custom items on the player or NPCs. Works with any item with no additional meshes required. Does not use body slots. SKSE64 plugin. Custom in-game user interface for configuring everything in real-time while you're playing. Includes a flexible positioning system for both equipped and unequipped gear.

Main FilesImmersive Equipment Displays for 1.6.629 and newerVersion:1.7.4

IED - Weapons Repositioner


Moves equipment to the correct position when backpacks are equipped. Meant to replace the Weapons Repositioner mod if using IED.

Main FilesIED - Weapons RepositionerVersion:2.0

Weapon Styles - Draw-Sheathe animations for IED


Utilizing Open Animation Replacer, this mod will provide you with equip/unequip animations to be used with Immersive Equipment Displays.

Main FilesWeapon Styles for IEDVersion:3.0.1

Open Animation Replacer - IED Conditions


A SKSE64 plugin that adds new conditions to Open Animation Replacer for use with Immersive Equipment Displays and Simple Dual Sheath.

Main FilesOpen Animation Replacer - IED conditionsVersion:1.0.2

Lexy's LOTD - IED Preset


A preset for Immersive Equipment Display for use with Lexy's LOTD SE.

Optional FilesLexy's LOTD - IED PresetVersion:1.04